Sheriff's Office
About det365手机版官网

Campus Safety & Sheriff’s Office at det365手机版官网

Campus Safety

Brunswick Community maintains a healthy, safe, and secure environment for students, employees, and guests. This is being accomplished by being in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, communication of safety rules, and training of students and employees in safe practices. See “Documents and PDFs” on the right for det365手机版官网’s Emergency Action Plan.

Sheriff’s Office at det365手机版官网

The School Resource Officer program through the Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office provides Deputy Sheriffs as School Resource Officers at Brunswick Community College.

School Resource Officers become a role model for the students and also act as a crime deterrent. The one-on-one relationship between the students and the officers allow problems to be solved before they escalate beyond control. They also work in conjunction with the College administration to maintain a safe and orderly environment at the College.

Campus Watch

Campus Watch is a program designed to alert the campus community that a formal process for reporting crimes and safety hazards exists on campus. Individuals can report incidents to det365手机版官网 Sheriff’s Office in person or by phone: 910-755-7330 (extension 7330 by any campus phone). If you want to remain anonymous you may call 910-755-7410 (extension 7410 by any campus phone) or by e-mail:

Emergency Call Boxes

These emergency call boxes provide users with a simple way to call for emergency assistance. Press the button and speak clearly into the telephone. The call is automatically sent to “911”. This two-way call box is located at parking lot 7 and the Fitness and Aquatics Center pool area.

Reporting Crime on Campus

For an emergency, dial “911″. The Brunswick County Emergency Services center (911) will immediately alert det365手机版官网 Sheriff’s Deputies by radio and telephone.  For non-emergencies, dial 910-755-7330 (office). To leave information anonymously dial 910-755-7410 (for non-emergencies) and leave a message on the recorded line or by e-mailing the following: All e-mails and phone messages are checked several times daily and all information will be addressed promptly.

See “Documents & PDFs” (on right) for the Brunswick Community College Emergency Action Plan.

Campus Crime Report

Colleges and universities are required to provide crime statistics relative to a number of specific categories of crimes. These categories include murder, rape, sexual assault (including both forcible and non-forcible offenses), burglary, aggravated assault, motor vehicle theft, liquor law violations, drug violations, weapons, arson, dating violence, stalking, domestic violence, and hate crimes relative to the aforementioned crimes. Statistics are published by October 1st, of the fall semester, and include the past three calendar years. They are distributed to students and employees and/or are available upon request.

See “Documents and PDFs” on the right for the det365手机版官网 Clery Crime Statistics.

Lost and Found

The intent is for lost and found items to be returned to their rightful owners.  Please be aware that det365手机版官网 nor the Sheriff’s Office at det365手机版官网 assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the care and/or protection of any personal belonging left unattended or lost, under any circumstances.  All found items should be turned into the det365手机版官网 Sheriff’s Office located in Building A (next to Fin’s Grill) for the identification of the rightful owner.  Lost personal items such as clothing, lunch boxes, notebooks, etc. will be placed in a lost and found box located in the Fin’s Grill.  Items of significant value (laptops, keys, wallets, etc.) will be logged as personal property by the det365手机版官网 Sheriff’s Office and will be held to allow time for individuals to retrieve lost items.  Property not claimed within a reasonable period of time will be transported to the Property Division of the Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office located at the Brunswick County Complex.

Weapons on Campus

It is unlawful for any person to carry, openly or concealed any weapon on any of the det365手机版官网 sites. Exceptions are made for those students or employees whose training (such as Basic Law Enforcement Training) or job requires that a weapon be carried and in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes.

Drug and Alcohol Policies

In accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1998, the Drug-Free Schools and Communities’ Act of 1989 (Public Law 101-226), as well as Underage Drinking Laws and the laws of the state of North Carolina, the college has endorsed the following drug and alcohol policy:

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or alcohol is prohibited while in the workplace, on college premises, or as part of any college-sponsored activities. (Except for special permitted events)

det365手机版官网 does not condone the possession, use, manufacture, or distribution of illegal substances or drug paraphernalia of any kind in any amount. Students in violation of this policy may be jeopardizing their own well-being as well as the well-being of the college community.

det365手机版官网 Drug & Alcohol Policy
det365手机版官网 Regulation of Alcohol Service Policy

Sex Offender Information

det365手机版官网 does not maintain a list of sex offenders; this information is maintained by The North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation and can be accessed through its website –

Traffic and Parking Regulations

See “Documents & PDFs” (on right) for the Traffic Rules.

Dolphin ALERTS

When there is a threat to campus safety or operations, Brunswick Community College will issue Dolphin ALERTS. Dolphin ALERTS are sent using a variety of methods, which are determined based on the nature of the threat. Dolphin ALERTS may be sent via email, digital screen take-over, social media, and text message. This mixture of communication avenues allows the College to reach the widest number of people during an emergency.

If you wish to receive Dolphin ALERTS  via text from Brunswick Community College,
Text #main to (910)202-4330.

After signing up, you will receive a confirmation text.

For alerts specific to the Odell Williamson Auditorium, text #owa to 910-202-4330.

Sheriff's Office

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